Subject: modification of /etc/security
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rainer Doemer <doemer@charon.ICS.UCI.EDU>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/27/1996 09:53:42
Hi guys,

I have a question about the /etc/security script, which is running
daily (called by /etc/daily). This script checks a lot of security
items on the system, which is very helpful, of course. But:
The problem is, that it also checks for problems on all my AmigaDOS
file systems (and on my CDs, if one is mounted)!
This certainly is not necessary, isn't it?
(it's extremely time consuming; even worse, my machine crashes
during this process).

So I took a closer look at this file and modified it so that
the part, which is titled
	# Display any changes in setuid files and devices.
excludes all read-only filesystems (see diff output below).

--- cut here ---
<               -o -fstype procfs \) -a -prune -o \
>               -o -fstype procfs -o -fstype rdonly \) -a -prune -o \
--- cut here ---

Can anybody comment on this? I'd like to know, if this fix is a good idea.
If yes, is it useful to include it in the next NetBSD release?
If not, why?

BTW, I just upgraded my system to NetBSD 1.2. The upgrade process
was very smooth and (so far) without any problems!
Thanks to all, who helped building such a great system!!!


PS: Usually you will only notice the above problem, if your system is
    running 24 hours a day (as mine does), since the daily script
    is executed by cron at 2:00AM by default.

Rainer Doemer               email:
Information and Computer Science            or:
University of California, Irvine