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Re: Magicfilter 1.2 Installation

Hallo Daryl Johnson!

On 11-Jan-97  05:19:51 you wrote:
> I have the Magicfilter-1.2 directory in root and have followed, I think,

> gcc -g -O -c magicfilter.c
> rm -f magicfilter magicgilter.man *.o
> /usr/bin/install -c magicfilter /usr/local/bin/magicfilter
> install: magicfilter: No such file or directory
> ***Error code 1

As you know I also installed magicfilter a few days ago and I got the same error
from the buggy Makefile :-(

I worked around like that:

1) Run "./configure".
2) Edit the Makefile, removing the line where magicfilter and magicfilter.man
   will be removed (I hope, it's not too hard to find for you - otherwise send
   it to me by eMail).
3) Run "make".
4) The Makefile will fail with another error, but magicfilter and
   magicfilter.man should survive :-)
5) Install magicfilter and magicfilter.man by hand.
6) Read magicfilter.man carefully and look at the source for the filters and you
   hopefully you will be able to generate your own filter/configuration file.
7) Don't forget to put magicfilter in your printcap :-)

         Best regards
         Herzliche Grüße
           Manfred Matzinger

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