Subject: New to the List, too
To: <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joel Gardet <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/16/1997 15:57:11
	Is there a X-server for NetBSD that support the new Cybervision64-3D from phase5, and if yes
is the conversion done on the board or within the amiga ?


Sent: 	jeudi, 16. janvier 1997 14:29
To: 	Alexander Sorg;
Subject: 	Re[2]: New to the List, X on A1200 with NetBSD?

  Are the graphics slower due to the conversion on the amiga or does NetBSD take
advantage of the amiga (aga) chipset?

Thanks everyone!

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Subject: Re: New to the List, X on A1200 with NetBSD?
Author:  Alexander Sorg <> at Internet2
Date:    1/16/97 12:01 PM

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 wrote:
>      Hi, I'm both new to the list and new to NetBSD for the amiga. I just 
>      I'd like to take a shot at running X Windows also, and was wondering 
>      if someone could tell me what kind of performance I can expect from X 
>      Windows on my Amiga. The FAQ recommends at least 6MB of RAM, so I 
>      should be ok.
I ran X under NetBSD on my A1K2 with a Blizzard1230-IV Turboboard and 8MB 
Fast-Ram. It worked fine but did really a lot of swapping. If you want, 
you can work with it. But for compiling and such stuff I changed back to 
the login-shell and using a program like 'screen' or something like that 
(windows is neat :) Now I exchanged one of my 4MB Simms to a 16MB Simm and 
now X really is fun. The swapping has reduced to a minimum and you reall 
can work fine with it. At todays prizes for memory upgrading or not should 
be no question. Do it!
>      Is there alot of good free software for NetBSD/Amiga? 
Absolutely YES.      
Have fun,
Job: Student of Telecomunication/Electronics 
Current special interest: Java