, "port-amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@tiger.teuto.de>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/11/1997 17:24:46
Jack Whitehead: "Generic 1.2 level kernel with PicassoII ?":
> I'm trying to install NetBSD 1.2 on a A2000 with Fusion40 with 20MB of
> 32bit RAM, PicassoII and a GVP SCSI SeriesII with 4 MB of 16bit RAM.
> loadbsd -b netbsd gives me the much feared blank screen.
ARGH! *jump jump jump* Darkness strikes back. May thee light will bolt!
Sorry, I thought this bug finally vanished in 1.2, we had done so much
work on it, that many of the other problems vanished (the black screen, the
white screen bug and other).
> Can someone direct me to a generic (or specific) kernel that supports
> this configuration (if it's supported at all) ?
It is supported. All parts of your combination will work - just not
together it seems.
Can you please verify with "shutup" (to be found in the gobsd-archive):
disable the Picasso and try to boot again. Also be sure you boot w/o
workbench and such hype, and start loadbsd from a naked system.
Markus Illenseer