Subject: Re: Viewing jpg/gif/whatever on Amiga NetBSD1.2.1? (fwd)
To: None <tooleym@Douglas.BC.CA>
From: Ruben van Staveren <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/20/1997 22:05:54
perhaps the /dev/view* device is what you need,
or just the /dev/grf? entries. Look in the source of Xamiga
how these are accessed :)

The graphics system is totally encapsulated in the NetBSD kernel,
there is no need to poke the chips directly
(unless the've got some nice 3D hardware stuff in them)


| Ruben van Staveren - - A1260@50/48   _|_o
| Luna Internet - Systems & Software Engineer - NetBSD - AmigaOS_ //| #>
| - Invasion Of Our Piracy - PGP 2.6.3ia    \X/ | 4