Subject: 060 problem with NetBSD (1.2 upwards)
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Miloslaw Smyk <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/14/1998 21:13:40

On my 060 machine I have a problem, which I guess is due to exceptions the
CPU performs - mouse pointer in X freezes for a few moments or becomes very
jerky when certain programs are loading/operating. For instance, when mosaic
is loading there are a few seconds when mouse pointer is is simply frozen
and I am unable to do anything.

I remember similar thing from my 040 days, but now (understandably) effect
is amplifed and even more annoying, especially that exceptions are not only
making my machine unfriendly, but also slowing it down quite a bit. For
example, server key generation in SSH took more time here than on 030/25Mhz
+ FPU in our A3000.

When I was recompiling kernel recently, I've noticed that gcc had following
parameteres on its command line: -m68060 -m68030 -msoft-float. Should I
understand that compiling with these options will make apps run better on
060? And why -m68030? Will recompiling X (and possibly mosaic) with these
arguments help? Has anyone tried this?

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