Subject: beginers guide and a little problem
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Boothroyd <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/19/1998 19:03:13
Hi all,
Anyone know any good guides/docs/web pages for a complete novice in UNIX,
if possible specific to the Amiga.
Covering things like how to configure screen modes, passwords, getting
Xwindows to work, how to get a printer to work, using the floppy drives etc.
The docs I've seen so far have been how to get it onto your harddrive and
running, then your on your own, the man pages help with somethings, but it
helps if you know what your looking for, some of the UNIX file names are bit
The problem..
I have installed all of the NetBSD1.3 system, including xwindow, not that
xwindows works though. The install instructions for xwindows tells you to edit
a file that is not writeble, and a file that doesn't exist. I figured out how
to allow writing to a file, so I could edit it, and created the other file
following the instructions, but still doesn't work.
Xwindows exits reporting...
X Connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). CIRRUS
Does UNIX have to be connected to a network for Xwindows to run ?
I am using a picassoIV so I followed the instructions to change the graphic
I edited the following file, this was the one that was not writable..
to read like this
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dev /dev/grf3 -nozap
^-----driver for picassoIV
I created /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc
to read
X -dev /dev/grf3 -nozap
I think I did it all ok, but dosn't work :(
Knowing me the xwindows stuff is ok, but I screwed up the NetBSD install :-/
Also does anyone know where I can get something to convert my monitor driver
for workbench to a textfile for grfconfig to use in NetBSD ?
The X11 doce mention
There are several converting tools on ADos:
- ListModes for Picasso2 (VillageTronic) monitor files
But this file is not on AmiNET, so I assume if it exist's its somewhere else,
I'll do a search on the Net for it.
If ListModes is no good, is there an equivalent program somewhere ?
Thanks for any help you can give, hmm, this turned out to be a bit longer than
I was expecting. I'll go now..... :-)
*email* *irc* Boothy -*Team AMIGA*-
A4000/040, WB/OS 3.1, 18Meg, CD-Rom, PicassoIV 4Meg 24bit Gfx board
*AmigaOS* *MacOS* *MSDos* *UNIX* all in one box ! That's an *Amiga* for you.