Subject: Connection "ESTABLISHED" but no data going through/coming in?
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/19/1998 13:07:11
There's a small problem that pops up every now and then on my Amiga 3000
stock 030. Every now and then, when my machine is under stress, a
connection will suddenly go dead with a foreign machine, through the ppp
serial device.

I will send telnet ayt, and cr/lf's, and other data..  every now and then
the send light on my modem will flash, but it will not be returned by a
TCP ACK--for the receive light doesn't  light up at all. However, when I
ping the remote site and re-establish the connection, things work fine. I
know that this happens more now that I have pretty much switched over to
an X11 machine..  so could the fact that at some times my machine is at a
peak of stress be part of my problem?

Has anyone else experienced this difficulty?

I never once had this problem with my 1.2G system, however I prefer the
stability of the 1.3 fs--I haven't had to fsck once since I installed 1.3.

Also, perhaps a problem that is related to this: I have compiled wu-ftpd
and run it through inetd as my ftp daemon. (duh--what else? :)

Sometimes, though, the connection becomes dropped when connecting to my
computer from a remote machine and I have to re-establish an ftp session
and re-transfer the file.. there is a strange error in this case,
something like this:

Thu Jan 29 20:11:37 1998 31 118934 /pub/ b _ o
a ftp 0 *

The filename is irrelevant, it happens with any larger file I try to get
off my hard drive and into the net. Here it is again:

Tue Feb 3 17:53:16 1998 4 25088
/usr/home/sudog/antinuke.exe b _ o r sudog ftp 0 *

Is it wu-ftpd? I know wu-ftpd is logging the error (/var/log/xferlog) but
it seems to me that this mysterious dropped-connection problem might be
the culprit here as well, causing my network connections to be just plain
ol' unreliable.

Any information regarding this would be much appreciated, here is my

Custom 1.3 Kernel, I have LEV6DEFER defined, with large receive and send
buffers (about 16K each) and a custom ite.c so I can have a decent key
repeat rate and a DEFAULT larger screen width. The kernel has all the
ethernet options undefined, though some of you might remember the problem
I had before, where with certain network protocols an ethernet card HAD to
be defined. My kernel config file is available upon request. :)

Amiga 3000, 12 MB FAST, 2 MB CHIP, 030 25 MHz, Superkick-ed. I have my
AmigaDOS s:startup automatically loadbsd unless I click ^D within five
seconds of boot-up..

I have a 33.6 SupraFax(288) (flashed up to 33.6 of course :)

I have two hard drives attached to the internal scsi adaptor, however
every now and then the drive light will turn on solid for about two or
three seconds and no data will be transferred--this happens only when the
disks are particularly full and it doesn't matter whether I'm in AmigaDOS
or NetBSD--the problem happens equally. -I ff and without -I ff supplied
to loadbsd makes no difference except without it I can't reboot without a
power-cycling. (This is not related as far as I can tell because the
TCP hangs occur without any disk-hangs. I'm just mentioning this..  just

And that's about all I can think of. If anyone has any brainstorms, again,
please feel free to mention them.



Marc Tooley