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SCSI trouble with 1.3.2

I'm using NetBSD 1.3 for some times.
I have tried to upgrade to 1.3.2 version with no luck.
I copy the filesys on the swap partition and try to boot netbsd in
single user mode.
The kernel crash while scanning the SCSI chain, just before my last
drive (works with 1.3 kernel).
I got the following error message:
bztzsc0 at line 1215:unexpected MESSAGE OUT phase
panic:kvtop:zero page frame
Stopped at 0xf2a0c: unlk a6

My config: A2000/Blizzard 2040/32Mo/PiccasoII
Note: the Blizzard 2040 have the same SCSI as the Blizzard 2060.

My SCSI chain:
id 0: Quantum LP240S
id 1: Quantum ST4.3
id 2: Quantum LP240S
id 3: IBM DSAS
id 4: MATSHITA (magneto-optical 128Mo)
id 5: Zip 100Mo

                      @ @
 Laurent Papier - LSIIT - Universite Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg - FRANCE
 E-Mail: papier%dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr@localhost
 WWW: http://dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr/~papier

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