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Re: BFFS 1.5
Quoting Stefan Hensen (23-Jun-98 01:53:00):
>> > This field can be used to set certain options of the filesystem
>> > concerning things like handling of symbolic links, case
>> > sensitivity in file names, mapping of protection bits for group
>> > and other, read-omly mode etc.. It is recommended to use BFFStool
>> > (included in BFFS 1.5) to test these options and finally insert
>> > in the mountlist the PreAlloc value displayed by that program.
>> What do you use as PreAlloc and Reserved?
> I must admit that I did not experiment very much with these
> parameters. The default value for PreAlloc seems to be 7,
Did you notice that selection (checked gadget) of ...
1 = Turn on automatic symlink resolution
2 = Turn on case independence. If you are familiar with the
Amiga filesystem, you probably want to turn this on.
4 = Make filesystem respect UNIX paths and not AmigaDOS paths
... in BBFSTool on, results in a PreAlloc value of 0. This is in
contradiction with the doc/user_manual.
I tested it and a PreAlloc Value of 0 (with mounting as DOSDriver or
through the RDB) really means that the access to files is case
dependant [2]. This would mean that the doc/user_manual is correct,
and BFFSTool shows wrong figures. I confirmed this by setting PreAloc
of the BSDROOT: to 0 and the BSDUSR: to 7. BFFSTool showed the
The first option (automatic symlink resolution) behaves opposite of
what is expected. "0" switches it *ON*, "1" *OFF*!
Looking at the third option (respect UNIX paths), does this incluence
something else than the 'cd /' command (goes to / [UNIX] or one
directory up [AmigaOS])?
> I find it useful to set also 'invert the definition of the
> other/group permission bits' (32), because otherwise one gets
> settings like
> '-rw--wx-wx' instead of '-rw-r--r--' and '-rwx-w--w-' instead of
> '-rwxr-xr-x' when copying files from one side to the other.
Why is this not done immediately?
It is logical that '-rw-r--r--' should be used instead of
'-rw--wx-wx'. Anyway, it's not explained how the group/other
permissions are mapped to the UNIX side when copying from AmigaOS to
UNIX. Are the group/other permissions always 'r--' when this flag is
set and '-wx' when it's unset?
64 = Report space free relative to minfree (instead of actual)
C:Info showed indeed some differences (52% full or 57% full). But what
is the difference between both settings?
Cu Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
geohei%ibm.net@localhost - geohei%geocities.com@localhost
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