Subject: XEmacs 20.4 "swallows" keystroke
To: NetBSD-amiga <>
From: Stefan Sichler <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/01/1999 23:53:06

my XEmacs 20.4 brings me in trouble: 
It ignores hitting the key "{[", I talk of the left and upmost 
key on the numeric pad on a _german_ Amiga keyboard.

Unfortunately that key is *very* important for C-programmers like me :-).

XEmacs is the only program that doesn't react on that key, so the key is 
_definitely_ not broken. 
I also looked thru all the key-bindings in Emacs, they should not be any

Please help.

Stefan Sichler

Installed software:
	NetBSD kernel 1.3.0
	binaries 1.3.3
	X 1.3.0
	Xserver 1.3.3
| Stefan Sichler          / / Amiga1200/060 OS3.1 NetBSD1.3 |
| Student der          \/\/ |
| Technischen Informatik             Tel. +49-(0)621-473696 |