Subject: Re: X11 with 1.3.3 Problems
To: Ingolf Koch <>
From: Ola Olsson <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/16/1999 11:53:25
Ingolf Koch wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Feb 14, 1999 at 05:23:43PM +0000, Ola Olsson wrote:
> > -------------- /etc/rc.local --------------------------
> [...]
> > echo 'loading grfmodes'
> > /usr/sbin/grfconfig /dev/grf7 /etc/grfmodes
> /etc/rc.local is executed _after_ xdm is started (at least
> if you selected xdm in /etc/rc.conf). That means that
> probably /dev/grf7 does not yet know mode 4 when xdm wants
> to start an Xserver with this mode.
> I have grfconfig in /etc/rc (I don't like it because IMHO
> /etc/rc should not be changed in any way), somewhere before
> xdm is started.--
Thanks Ingolf, I will play with that. If I was smart I would have taken
better notes when I set this up last time for 1.3.2 but, I'm not sure they
would have helped since things have changed. I remember having to alter the
/xinit/xserverrc file which doesn't exist anymore, at least not in the X11
distribution as it was installed on my system. I'm beginning to wonder
whether I should trust the X11 install FAQ -- it mentions the following as
the appropriate command to install the archives:
"cd / ; tar --unlink -xvpzf filename."
I don't understand how this will work. I've always used "gzcat filename | (cd
/; tar --unlink -xvpf -)" to do this.
Best Regards,
/** Ola Olsson
/** "I learn so I can teach so I can learn."
/** ***********