Subject: None
To: None <>
From: Andre Schwab <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/29/1999 23:04:39

I've got some problems installing X from the Gateway3 distribution.

I logged in as root tried to start extract from CD (and also copied
 all the X-Files ;) into /var/tmp with the same result).

With bash there was an error like "binary not executable" and from
sh there was an Syntax-Error :47  "(" unexpected!

When I extract the files to /usr/X11R6 with tar and try to start any file
(without startX ) I get the error "binary not executable"

and when I try "startx" there is an syntaxerror :47 "(" unexpected also!

What shall I do ???

I hope, you understand my problem, even if my English is terrible

Thanx    Andre

-- _   _____  ____
  / \ |     |/ ___| Andre Schwab
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