Subject: Re: Netbsd 1.4.1 and a4000T again...
To: None <>
From: vincent aymeric <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/13/1999 13:58:59
> > AFAIR there was written in the docs you should use 'mount -o ro'. Againg check
> > the relevant install.doc on that.
> no way, I already tried but doesn't work either...
> I use: mount -t ados -o ro /dev/sd1e /mnt2
> but it doesn't work :(
It should. What's the error message for this one? Did you try
`disklabel sd1' to check that sd1e is indeed an AmigaDOS partition?
Does /mnt2 exist as a directory? (you never know... ;) Or maybe you
compiled a kernel with no support for ADOSFS? Are you root? Do you
have /sbin in your path? :)