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Re: 128MB limit?

On 13.09.99, 13:25:15, Michael Boehnisch wrote:

> > 
> > I think, what you really want is to increase USRSTACK first. Try that 
> > please.
> I'll try that, but it's currently set to 0x0E000000 = 224MB.  My programs
> bomb out when exceeding 128MB, not 224MB (I can see this with 'top'), so
> I don't expect this to cure the problem.  Of course I migth interpret
> the meaning of the constant wrongly.

But of course, after increasing USERSTACK, you also need to increase
MAXDSIZ, too. The latter can be used as a kernel config option:

  options MAXDSIZ=0x10000000 # set maximum data size to 256MB

although I remember that compilation complained about a double
definition, but still produced a working kernel.

USRSTACK has to be changed in vmparam.h

I had the same problem with earlier versions (1.2 and 1.3), where the
default data size limit was even 32 MB. I remember that I also had to
increase USRSTACK, but was finally able to have programs which used up
significantly more than 200 MB. I don't use such huge applications on
Amiga any more, having other, faster machines now, so I'm not certain
about 1.4(.x).

I assume you also used something like "unlimit data" (in (t)csh) before
starting the program to actually use the kernel hard limit to the data
size, and not some lower limit.

> Yours,
>    Michael B"ohnisch

Bernd Sieker

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