Subject: Re: key repeat problem?
To: Aymeric.Vincent <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/24/1999 21:56:56
On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 09:51:00PM +0200, Aymeric.Vincent wrote:
> > who mentioned a key repeat problem (wrong key being duplicated)?
> It's me... I checked at home and the problem is present under AmigaOS
> too... This might be a hardware issue.
> my machine: A1200 (Commodore), internal keyboard. (stock A1200)
> When you type `ls' with keeping `l' pressed, you get `ll' instead of
> what you get on my PC for example: `ls'. This is quite annoying, but I
> don't know if this can be circumvented by software. I don't have
> either the documentation nor the Amiga here, so I can't test...

Ah. Well: it must be a hardware problem on your side, I definitely don't see
this and suspect others would have reported it, too. I'm pretty sure that in 
your case, the rollover logic is broken and send the first keys key-down
instead of the 2nds. Don't ask me _how_ this happens, but anyway, NetBSD
or AmigaOS wouldn't be able to change this.

Maybe a simple cleaning of the keyboard matrix might help.
