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Re: grey screen with PicassoIV

Hello Markus

Le 22-Oct-99, Markus A. Regli a écrit:

>>> binpatch -s _clconsole_mode -o 82 -r 27000000 netbsd
>>> at the position netbsd you have to give your whole path for the
>>> netbsd-file i.e. work:bsd/netbsd or something like that.
>> I done this patch. but this don't solve my problem. My monitor give me
>> always the same frequency (53.3 khz, 85 hz) that with the generic kernel.
>> Can you explain how to change the frequency?
> The long number 27000000 stands for the frequency, I mean the pixelclock.
> I don't know exactly how it splits for horizontal and vertical
> frequencies, but if you increase this number the frequencies come up and
> to the other direction they become smaller. For me the 27000000 worked
> good, I became around 32kHZ/63Hz.

I tested other pixel clock. I obtained always the same rate. I think it's
another problem.

I think I couls test to recompile the kernel myself. To do that, I must have
a kernel without support of my PicassoIV: so, I can boot netbsd and use the
pass through flickerfixer on my VGA monitor.
Then compile my kernel with PicassoIV enabled. Problem I can't see anything
about Picasso "IV" in the congig's file GENERIC.

Is the line with PicassoII is enough?

--snip-- of GENERIC

# This is how you specify the blitting speed, higher values may speed up
# a littel bit.  If you raise this value too much some trash may appear.
# the commented version is the default.
#options    RH_MEMCLK=61000000
# this option enables the 64 bit sprite which does not work
# for quite a few people.  E.g. The cursor sprite will turn to a block
# when moved to the top of the screen in X.
#options    RH_64BIT_SPRITE
# enables fast scroll code appears to now work on 040 systems.
# enables the Hardwarecursor which does not work on some systems.

grfcc0      at mainbus0     # custom chips
#grfrt0      at zbus0        # retina II
#grfrh0      at zbus0        # retina III
grfcl*      at zbus0        # Picasso II/Piccalo/Spectrum
#grful0      at zbus0        # A2410
#grfcv0      at zbus0        # CyberVision 64
#grfet*      at zbus0        # Tseng (oMniBus, Domino, Merlin)
#grfcv3d0    at zbus0        # CyberVision 64/3D

-- snip --

So, where can I download a kernel without PicassoIV support?


Micronik BigTower (rev 4.0) -   Amiga 4000 (rev B)  - Kickstart v40.68
 A3640 (rev 3.1)             -   16 Mo  -   FireBall SE 4.3 Go
  Picasso IV (v 1.2)          -   GVP A4000-HC+8 Series II (rev 2)
   GVP IO/Extender (rev 6)   -     iiyama 19" Pro 45
    Epson Stylus Color      -       OLITEC SelMemory 2000

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