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Re: PCMCIA networking


I wrote the routines that allow NetBSD/Amiga to use the machine-independant
PCMCIA code. I'm sorry I didn't clean it up nor commit it yet, but I made it
available at the following URL:

Uncompress in the right directory in the kernel source tree (you'd better make
diffs if you use a more recent version than 1.4), fiddle with your config file
(see sample A1200 file), compile, and enjoy... It works for me and it was
reported to work for someone else too, so it should do :)

Please keep in mind that it's alpha work; many things remain to be fixed; I'm
working on it now (actually, I'm currently soldering a cable to link my
Amiga 1200's cheapo ether-card to my laptop... :)

I think something clean will come in the next few weeks...

Sorry for the delay, but I went back home last week.

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