Subject: Re: Well I got it working - without "vi" *g*
To: Martin Steigerwald <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/07/2000 22:51:43
On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 02:08:43AM -0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> kdebase, kdelibs, kdeutils and kdesupport - it for example does not find
> its icon graphics and symbols and thus looks quite funny, and then there
> are those package files like +DESC, +something and stuff. Well there ought
> to be some package manager? "man pkg" or "man pkgsrc" didn't give me
> anything. Or is that package manager only for the source code packages?
> Well I leave thats up to the next day and try to read some
> f**** documentation on that package system.

You tried 'man -k' or 'apropos', right?

tome% apropos pkg
pkg_add (1) - a utility for installing software package distributions
pkg_admin (1) - perform various administrative tasks to the pkg system.
pkg_admin (1) - perform various administrative tasks to the pkg system. 
pkg_create (1) - a utility for creating software package distributions
pkg_delete (1) - a utility for deleting previously installed software package distributions
pkg_info (1) - a utility for displaying information on software packages

This is on a 1.4.1 box.
Kevin P. Neal                      

"Nonbelievers found it difficult to defend their position in \ 
    the presense of a working computer." -- a DEC Jensen paper