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GVP IO and other problems

Hello !
I've an A2000 with a GVP Combo 040 33Mhz with 64MB RAM running NetBSD1.5_BETA.
The system works well but i'd like to fix two problems:
1) The "gvpio" is recognized but not configured.
I've tried to compile the kernel adding the arch/amiga/dev/gvpio.c file. It doesn't work because the command "make depend" reports that the file /arch/amiga/dev/gvpiovar.h is missing.
Any idea if there's an other possibility to make the GVP serial and paralell ports work, or where i could find this missing file?
2) I use KDE 1.1.2 and kaudioserver doesn't work. Anybody knows if it's possible to let it run on an Amiga?
Thank's for reading !
Brugger Simon

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