Subject: Re: AmigaDOS partition mount
To: jm <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/15/2001 21:06:39
> 1) How can I access AmigaDOS partitions from NetBSD ?
mount -t ados -o ro /dev/sdxy /mnt
Whereas sdxy is your AmigaDOS partition. See "disklabel" for more.
Note: AmigaDOS can only be mounted read-only.
> 2) How can I access NetBSD partitions from AmigaOS (3.5) ?
Use "bffs", as availble on the net (i.e. Aminet)
> 3) Is there any gui text editor on NetBSD ,or I have to install
> X-Windows and then download one external ?
Hu? vt100 offers user interfaces, but nothing with graphic.
You might want to install X in order to have anything with graphical
interfaces, yes, sure. You then start any X client (i.e. your desired
editor) locally on your very own local X station / NetBSD machine.
You might want to install KDE or GNOME for that purpose, proceed to the
NetBSD package system below.
> 4) Can I use other UNIX (FreeBSD,Linux..) programs on NetBSD ?
You might want to look at
for the NetBSD package system. This installs NetBSD binaries for the vermy
most of available "Linux" or "FreeBSD" software. Means: You are simply
compiling sources and then install native NetBSD binaries (or download the
pre-compiled software instead).
It is not possible to simply copy FreeBSD programms to your NetBSD/Amiga,
because FreeBSD is Intel-oriented. It might be possible to start
Linux/Amiga programms on NetBSD/Amiga. It is not possible to start
Linux/i386 on NetBSD/Amiga.
It is way easier to compile the software rather than to start any kind of
> I have a A1200 BlizzPPC 040/25Mh 603/200Mh , 16MB ,15.3GB HD ,32x CDROM
> I have 2 NetBSD partitions 1 swap (32MB) and 1 root (~700MB)
> installed with NetBSD1.5
If you are able to, install more RAM...
> Thanks in advance
At next please read the NetBSD Online Documentation about Books and other
resources about Unix and BSD in particular. Along with the NetBSD FAQ...
Markus Illenseer