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AmigaDOS partition mount


I am new to NetBSD (and UNIX...) so I am having some problems.

1) How can I access AmigaDOS partitions from NetBSD ?
2) How can I access NetBSD partitions from AmigaOS (3.5) ?
3) Is there any gui text editor on NetBSD ,or I have to install
   X-Windows and then download one external ?
4) Can I use other UNIX (FreeBSD,Linux..) programs on NetBSD ?

I have a A1200 BlizzPPC 040/25Mh 603/200Mh , 16MB ,15.3GB HD ,32x CDROM
I have 2 NetBSD partitions 1 swap (32MB) and 1 root (~700MB)
installed with NetBSD1.5

Thanks in advance

        Giannis M.

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