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Re: hard drive problem

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Carol Zick wrote:

> I have an 18 gig hard drive that I would like to install in my A2000.
> I think that it see this drive as more than one device.

Yes, that's called partitioning. :-)

> Can someone tell me how to install this drive? Will I need to install
> TD64 or something like it?

You will need TD64 and a TD64 compatible filesystem (there are patched FFS
drivers out there, and there's PFS and AFS) if you want to have AmigaDOS
partitions after 4GB. It works fine without if you only have BSD
partitions there.

> I am using this system as a webserver and I don't want to lose what is
> on the other drive. So I am a little bit after to just start
> installing thing like TD64 without seeing what other people have been
> using.

You can alter the partition table using the HDToolBox, it'll show you
before writing which partitions are affected.


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