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Re: Many Questions.....

Hello Ignatios

On 26-Feb-01, you wrote:

> user iteconfig to use more screen lines... it'll auto-swithc to 50Hz when
> you specify more lines than what the NTSC-AGA can handle.

I had tried that but dont works....
I can open a 640x480 or 640x512 screen but I can only see 640x400..
It opens the screen out of the borders I guess...
I am not specifiyng the -A option at start because I can't handle
the VGA mode, so it seems like I boot in ECS mode ??
Also I cant specify a color depth greatier than 4 ... (not with
iteconfig , not with X ,it reports out of buffer memory)
I have tried to recompile the kernel without the ECS and NTSC options
but what I get is crazy colors...
Is it possible after all to open an 8bit PAL (or NTSC, but not VGA) screen
using the -A option ?? 


           Giannis Mavridakis

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