Subject: Re: X-surf duplexity check
To: Salmij{rvi Janne <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/14/2001 13:42:55
> Am I correct in assuming that the following implies the x-surf is running
> half-duplex? This may seem trivial, but I want to be very very very sure
> of this.
> f336% ifconfig -m ne0
>         media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT)
>         supported Ethernet media:
>                 media autoselect
>                 media 10baseT
>                 media 10baseT mediaopt full-duplex
>                 media 10base2

On other systems where there are various media options, ifconfig will tell
you the media that is chosen. For the X-Surf, full duplex would show a
media type of 10baseT-FDX, corresponding to "10baseT mediaopt full-duplex"

So your answer is yes so long as you see 10baseT without the -FDX.

John Klos