Subject: RE: Partition 'XXX' geometry 1/1340 differs from RDB 1/1340
To: None <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/14/2001 11:28:09
David Brownlee <> writes:
> Just curious - but there seem to be a lot of people who get
> this message when the two sets of numbers given are the same.
> Is this a 'count from zero vs count from one' issue or something
> else?
I think it's due to not printing out all the appropriate information.
That message occurs when the number of bytes/cylinder computed from the
NetBSD disklabel partition entry doesn't match the bytes/cylinder computed
from the Amiga RDB block information. The size from the RDB block is
computed from e.secpertrk * e.numheads * e.sizeblock << 2, and the
size from the label entry is computed from d_secpercyl * d_secsize. The
d_secpercyl value is computed based on the RDB sectors/cylinder *or*
from the RDB nsectors * RDB nheads - which may not be the same.
I think I added the original check to indicate that the disk geometry
found in the Amiga PART record didn't match the geometry found in the
RDB record, but the current code looks like it's been changed quite a bit
since what I remember doing originally. I've always meant to go back
and fix up the messages to indicate what really didn't match up, but
never seem to get around to doing it.
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant, Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA