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RE: Problems while booting NetBSD 1.5.1
This looks very much like the behaviour I had long time ago with 1.3, in
a very similar hardware environment.
Back then, it was caused by a "too much RAM available" problem.
I was able to solve the problem by restricting the RAM for booting the
original kernel to 32MB. Then I configured and compiled my own kernel that
worked on my machine with the full RAM. Unfortunately I have no working
Amiga any more and too much time passed to correctly remember the
configuration parameter. It was something like "VM_KERNEL_PAGES" and
I had to boost it to 8 from the original value 4 to make it work.
Maybe if you scan for my name in the NetBSD mailing list archive you
will find a better description of the problem and how I circumvented
Michael Böhnisch,
Senior Software Developer,
O4All Object Databases GmbH,
Paderborn, Germany.
-----Original Message-----
From: port-amiga-owner%netbsd.org@localhost
Behalf Of Thomas-Peter Klug
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 12:16 PM
To: port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost
Subject: Problems while booting NetBSD 1.5.1
Hi, I need your advice !
Using A4000D, CSPPC 604 with 68060 (original DCE), 128 MB, SCSI2-HDD chained
After transferring MINIROOT.FS (xstreamtodev) to prepared partition SWAP:
sitting on the 2 GB SCS2-harddisk and rebboting NetBSD 1.5.1 initializes,
recognizes all builtin hardware correctly, scanning all available drives
correctly, and then hangs with the message "4 views configured" and a
blinking cursor.
Does anybody know what I've done wrong, maybe some settings in
CSPPC-Bootmenue or something else ?
Any help welcome...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas-Peter Klug [HonestJohn]
thomas-peter.klug%db.com@localhost, thomas-peter.klug%debitel.net@localhost
- OS3.9/PIV*Concierto*Paloma*Pablo
- 128MB/P96v2.0
<*>>>24.07.2001, 11:17:00<<<*>
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