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Re: 100-base-TX PCMCIA ethernet?

First of all, I have to say what I write is just speculations and may be
utterly wrong. I have this far only used PCMCIA ehternet under AmigaOS and

> I know that the bottleneck in the speed of the network is the PCMCIA
> interface, but I figure that a 100-base-TX card will have 64k buffers and
> will have a little less overhead.
> Does anyone know of a 100-base-TX ethernet card that works with A1200s?

If I don't remeber it wrong, the PCMCIA in the A1200 is an 8 bits, and it's
quite likly that the PCMCIA-100btx will be use higher bits.
If it would be the same, then I assume the card must be NE2000 compatible, then
there is a slight chance it will work.

I don't know how NetBSD handles the reset signal, this hardware-bug in the
A1200 could give you some difficulties.

The best way to know is to test.

     //Aho                                                        \|||/
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