Subject: Re: Ginseng and settings...
To: J.O. Aho <>
From: John <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/29/2001 14:16:37
> I have played just a little bit with it, but I don't manage to get it work as I
> want. I would like to create a ftp-user with a password, but I don't want to
> allow this user to have any other access (no telnet, pop3 and so on).
> Is this possible? if yes, how do I do that?
> and the chroot file, how should it look like, at the moment I only have a
> completly empty file.
man ftpd
ftpd has options in /etc/ftpd.conf that allow you to chroot, set umask,
set bandwidth caps, allow anonymous users, and more.
The way to make a user for anonymous use is to add a line like so:
ftp:*:92:92::0:0:Anonymous FTP:/usr/ftp:/sbin/nologin
to your /etc/master.passwd (then pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd).
I think that should help!
John Klos