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Re: Adding gspa binary output (was: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/arch/amiga)

 You write: 
> I would also be interested in why the build broke in the first place.
> When I looked at this on sunday evening I could find no reason for the broken
> build mechanism on Amiga. My only guess, from the logfile on the releng
> machine: 
>   gspa: not found
>   *** Error code 127
> gspa somehow disappeared from /usr/sbin/ on the build machine.

  If you look at the "ENV" link, you will notice that 
I.e., the autobuild no longer can run host programs in /usr/sbin (and if the 
is running on a non-NetBSD system, the likelyhood of /usr/sbin/gspa existing is
rather small.
Michael L. Hitch                        mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Operations Consulting,  Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT     USA

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