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partitioning help


I was wondering if there are any Netbsd port-Amiga users out there that
are in the North Eastern Pa area. I would like to find someone who would
be willing to use there computer to partition, and format a couple of
harddrives. I would do it myself, but the last time I tried the server was
off line about 6 hours. Worst than that after partitioning, formatting,
copying the amiga files, then booting NetBSD, running newfs, mounting the
partitions, then doing a dump|restore, the hard drive that I was
installing on would not spin up until it cooled off. That really ruined my
day. I really can't take the server off line for more than a few minutes
at a time because it makes to many people mad to have it off for more than

So, if there is someone willing to help me with this I would greatly
appreciate it. And I would be willing to pay someone to do this if need


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