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Re: 1.6 and /dev/reload

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 09:46:51PM +0100, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> > [/dev/reload and 1.6]
> Hm, you can always objcopy the kernel to a.out format, if you want to reboot
> with /dev/reload. 

  I haven't thought about this. If objcopy can write to stdout, if would be

> Of course, /dev/reload only works for a nearly same kernel, so it is not high
> on my priority list. (I wanted to make it an option long ago, but even this
> is not high on my priority list.)

  I always wondered about that "limitation". Is it related to its chipmem

  I noticed that binpatch is still part of the system. Is that one obsolete
  too? I just learned that gdb is able to change binaries.

  What is on your priority list? wscons? usb?


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