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Re: amidisplay: not a console?

It is told that on Jul 29, "Gunther Nikl" wrote thus:

>   Can you post a message when an updated wskdmap is available? I modifed
>   wskdmap_amiga.c for KS_Mode_switch and merged us/de and now I get the
>   expected output with the german layout but I am not convinced that the
>   special key entries are fully correct.

What special keys in particular?

Attached are the changes to alt/amiga keys I mentioned. I left the compose
(Multi_key) in there for now.

>   And another small observation: Do make the FONT_BOLD8x16 and FONT_VT220L8x10
>   options in the AMIGA configs any sense? Both use IBM encoding.

Little sense, until better fonts come along.
    KC(100), KS_Cmd2,           KS_Mode_switch,
    KC(101),                    KS_Mode_switch, KS_Multi_key,
    KC(102), KS_Cmd,            KS_Alt_L,
    KC(103), KS_Cmd,            KS_Alt_R,

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