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Re: Picasso IV 16-bit?

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:53:59AM +0100, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> > Its a limitation, nobody wrote code to handle > 8bit for Cirrus.
>  Actually, we tried, years ago. One big problem was big- to little-endian 
> byte swap, which rendered dog-slow on the Amiga.
>  I had some sort of 16- and 24-Bit "pnmtoCirrus"-display tool, which 
> directly poked into the frame buffer. I lost the source over the years, 
> though. Required kernel hacks as well, to implement some io-controls 
> (display on and off and such).
>  BTW, X11 used to be 8Bit-only for decades..

That's not true! I started with 1bit and 8bit X11, and added 2-, 3- and
4-bit X11 to my portfolio once I had NetBSD/Amiga.

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