Subject: someone to install netbsd for 68k amiga on a hardisk for me ?
To: None <>
From: Gilbert Fernandes <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 08/24/2005 23:51:10
hello all
i have received a blizzard card (1230 IV) that is now installed on my
amiga 1200. i have no compatible monitor with the amiga, no scandoubler
and the only one i found is almost sold 200 euro so too much for me.
i have currently a hard-disk, 2.5 inches of 500 mb, installed on the
1200 with the amiga os over it.
i am looking for someone i could send that hard-disk so he would install
netbsd for 68k/amiga over it. then, i would be able to use and control
that amiga under netbsd from telnet for example.
i got a network card pcmcia for the a1200 bought from amiga kit, it's a
3com megahertz lan (589e) so once the hard-disk is ready i should be
able to use ethernet to control the amiga.
i live in france so someone close to me would be the best. all i need is
a netbsd 2 install on a 500 mb hard-disk :)
unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; fsck
; umount ; sleep