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Re: new NetBSD user dummy questions - change root password problem

Andreas Barth wrote:
The passwd file is the default one. I don't know yet how I can manage to post 
it here, as my NetBSD system is still very basic with no e-mail or other 
luxury. Just one single console.
This /etc/passwd.conf file is created during installation process. It describes the configuration of password cipher. Particurarly interesting is localcipher stanza. For some reason passwd fails to encrypt password using whatever localcipher is set on your system.

Also, this file is unrelated to /etc/master.passwd and /etc/passwd files which contains users definitions, encrypted passwords and stuff like that.

Following command will return configured cipher for local passwords:
cat /etc/passwd.conf | grep localcipher

I tried pwhash <some string>, and it will print encrypted data.
Hmmm. So at least password generation stuff it working. Can you try using passwd command like that:
passwd -d files someuser

By default passwd uses pam_passwd module, but using -d files flag will skip pam_passwd, and write directly to /etc/master.passwd. So it will work if problem lies in pam_passwd.

Can I as workaround use vipw command to inset this string in passwd file 
without locking me out off the system?
Yes, as pwhash and passwd uses same mechanism to generate password. However I suggest experimenting with non-root account first ;).


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