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Re: Interesting perl compilation problem

On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 17:28:15 +0000 (UTC)
John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:

> I think this is just strange, so I figured I'd put it out there. When 
> trying to compile pkgsrc/lang/perl5 on various m68k machines, I'm getting 
> different results. On an m68040 mac68k machine and on one m68060 Amiga, 
> I'm seeing success (in spite of warnings):
> [...]
> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
> {standard input}:27331: Warning: .word .L4086-.L4112+0 didn't fit

Doesn't sound good. Does the resulting code work?
The label distances might have been used for a jump table.

> On another m68060 Amiga, it failed:
> `sh  cflags "optimize='-O2 -O2 -m68060 -pthread -I/usr/include'" toke.o` 
> [...]

Here you specified the -m68060 option. Does it make a difference with -m68040?

> toke.c:6909: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault

I'm certainly not the gcc expert, but for the beginning it could be helpful
if you generate a preprocessor output file (-E option) from toke.c, so
anybody can easily try to reproduce the bug.

> However, for toke.o, if I drop the optimization level down to -O, it 
> compiles. It doesn't compile with -O2 even if I unlimit, but it compiles 
> without unlimiting on the mac68k machine and the other Amiga.

Sounds like an optimizer bug.

> All three systems are running NetBSD 5 from a few days ago.

I would guess that the same compiler version (gcc 4.1.3 nb2) causes similar
problems on other NetBSD versions. This should be checked.

Frank Wille

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