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Re: More toolchain issues

frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost (Frank Wille) writes:

>> Yes, I can reproduce this. malloc() returns a pointer but
>> accessing the first byte of the allocated area already
>> results in a segfault.

>Ok. So the problem can easily be reproduced with the following small source:

When looking at the process with pmap you will see that no memory
has been mapped for the allocated region. With a similar program
I get:


and the following pmap output:

00002000      8K read/exec         /home/guest/a.out
00004000   1008K read/write          [ anon ]
08004000     48K read/exec         /libexec/ld.elf_so
08010000     16K read/write          [ anon ]
08014000      8K read/exec           [ uvm_aobj ]
08016000     32K read/write          [ anon ]
0801E000    872K read/exec         /lib/libc.so.12.170
080F8000     40K read/write        /lib/libc.so.12.170
08102000     64K read/write          [ anon ]
0C000000  30720K                     [ stack ]
0DE00000   1920K read/write          [ stack ]
0DFE0000    128K read/write          [ stack ]
 total     4144K

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlelstv%serpens.de@localhost
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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