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Re: Keyboard lockup with NetBSD5


I have a DLink PCMCIA ethernet card, but while installing and configuring sshd I stumbled on another "feature" of NetBSD 4.0.1, the "can not change password" thing (Message is something like "Couldn't generate salt

Unable to change auth token: error in service module").

Now I have to edit something in /etc/passwd.conf and hope that I can change my password and get access to the amiga via ssh from my Mac. At least ping works...

You can use any other NetBSD machine to make a password hash to use temporarily. Here's one:


The password for this hash is 1234. Not very secure, but useful for something quick like this. If you're having a problem creating a spwd.db, you can do the same on another NetBSD machine, or I can generate one for you with a temp account and a simple password.


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