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Re: Keyboard lockup with NetBSD5

Am 13.11.2009 um 19:40 schrieb Frank Wille:

Alexander Coers wrote:

The timing seems to be really messed up, because with the log output
the bug disappeared.

Since delay() didn't work as expected it becomes clear that the log output generated a better delay than the delay() function, which returned much too

I tried to fix delay(). In the archive
you will find three wscons kernels with fixed delay():

netbsd_2000: 2000ms handshake
netbsd_200: 200ms handshake
netbsd_85: 85ms handshake

Okay, I gave all of them a quick test tour, pressing as much keys as possible in
short time.
All kernels produced no errors so far :-)
For now I will use the 200ms as default and test a little bit more, but it seems that
delay() needs some attention...

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