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Re: textproc/expat on netbsd-6 on Amiga

cc (NetBSD nb2 20110806) 4.5.3

This was tested with netbsd-6 from the end of March and with netbsd-6
from today - same results.

And with pkgsrc2012Q1 or the current one?


It is a bit strange that I can compile it with a 128MB machine, while it
fails with your 256MB one. How large is your swap space?

It works on a netbsd-6 mac68k machine with 64 megs, too.

The swap on the 256 meg Amiga is 512 megs. I removed swap and tried compiling expat again and ran into the same issue. Next I'll make a kernel which uses just 128 megs and try again.


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