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Re: how to find the tty

Hi Frank,

On Sep 8, 2014, at 6:27 PM, Frank Wille wrote:

On Sun, 7 Sep 2014 21:04:16 -0400
Al <al%familysafeinternet.com@localhost> wrote:

I was able to find an IOBlix 4 port serial card on eBay. [...]
I have tried many of the tty in /dev. Yet, I still didn't seem to
find the right port. Is there an easy way to find the correct tty for
each port on the card?

Usually from the man page, when it exists. In this case it doesn't,
unfortunately. So I looked into src/sys/arch/amiga/conf/majors.amiga,
which tells me that com(4) are character devices and use a major device
number of 32:
device-major    com             char 32                 com

For some strange reason, which I might be missing ATM, there is no device with this major number initialized in MAKEDEV, so you might have to do that

From looking at /etc/ttys I would guess that the com0 device is called
/dev/ttyC0 for NetBSD/amiga.

# mkdev /dev/ttyC0 c 32 0

Okay, I think that I am finding the right device now. It looks like it uses /dev/ttyC0, ttyC1, ttyC2, and ttyC3. However, following the instructions for setting pppd that I found here: http:// www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-net-practice.html#chap-net-practice- modem-pppd it doesn't dial, but I can see the lights flash on the modem. So, I tried testing the modem with cu like described in the section "tesing the modem", I get an error "cu: unknown host cu9600". Not really sure what that means and I was not able to find a solution by google. I then tried cu -l /dev/ttyC0 -s 115200. Nothing is echoed to the screen, so it is really hard to know what I typed if anything, but "~." does let me exit. After a few tries this crashed the computer. I did install userppp from the pkgsrc. I did not try it yet with userppp. It is really my goal to use userppp, because it supports multilink ppp. Do you have any ideas on what could be wrong?


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