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Re: IDE device timeout when writing

Karoly Balogh wrote:

> There seems to be a generic issue with these CF and SD adapters under
> various Amiga Un*xes, [...]

I fear that it's not that easy. For me it looks more like some adapters work
and some others don't.

I just made the test (downloading and extracting kernels) several times on
my A1200 with ACA030 (68030 42MHz, no FPU, 64MB RAM) and NetBSD file system
on the internal CF card. Testing with 7.0 and 9.2 (7.0 file system). No
issues so far.

My CF drive appears as:

wdc0 at mainbus0
atabus0 at wdc0 channel 0
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0
wd0: <CF Card>
wd0: drive supports 1-sector PIO transfers, LBA addressing
wd0: 3847 MB, 7818 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7880544 sectors
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 5 (Ultra/100)

I don't want to open the case now, but it's probably also some SanDisk. The
"CF Card" identifier comes from the adapter.

Maybe comparing the device capatbilities gives some information?

petro# atactl wd0 identify
Model: CF Card, Rev: Ver2.35, Serial #: 639C0722060000306930
Device type: ATA, fixed
Capacity 4035 Mbytes, 7880544 sectors, 512 bytes/sector
Cylinders: 7818, heads: 16, sec/track: 63
Device capabilities:
    IORDY operation
Command set support:
    NOP command (enabled)
    READ BUFFER command (enabled)
    WRITE BUFFER command (enabled)
    Security Mode feature set (disabled)
    SMART feature set (disabled)
    FLUSH CACHE command (enabled)
    CFA feature set (enabled)

I'm running NetBSD-based routers (i386 and amd64) on CF cards since decades
without problems. For example my Soekris board with a built-in CF adapter
appears like this:

arwen# atactl wd0 identify
Model: SanDisk SDCFH2-004G, Rev: HDX 4.32, Serial #:     014222E2408W0409
Device type: ATAPI, removable
Capacity 4110 Mbytes, 8027712 sectors, 512 bytes/sector
Cylinders: 7964, heads: 16, sec/track: 63
Device capabilities:
Device supports following standards:
Command set support:
        write cache
        CFA feature set (enabled)

Quite some differences. ATA/ATAPI, less capabilities. But still works fine.

The A1200/A4000 IDE drivers only map the register space and acknowledge
interrupts. The rest is done by the machine independant wdc(4) driver. So
there shouldn't be much difference between Amiga and other platforms
regarding CF cards.

Frank Wille

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