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RE: X.org and A1200 AGA Graphics
From: port-amiga-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost <port-amiga-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost> On
Behalf Of Roc Vallès
Sent: martes, 12 de octubre de 2021 1:51
> Xorg confirmed working with your kernel.
> I needed this @ /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier "Keyboard0"
> Driver "kbd"
> Option "Protocol" "wskbd"
> Option "Device" "/dev/wskbd0"
> EndSection
Finally, I can confirm it is working as well on my setup :)
I guess that due to the bitplanar nature of the Amiga chipset, it is a lot of work to get it working with colors, but I wonder, is it not possible to take the existing Xamiga codebase on how bitplanes are managed and bring it to Xorg? I guess some kind of fundamental difference makes it not that simple.
In any case, thanks for the driver! Better X in monochrome than no X at all :)
> Hoping this can get approved for 9.3, if a 9.3 happens before 10.
Yeah, since running X11R6 on recent release is more of a hack, it would be good this kernel to become the standard or at least available with the standard distribution just a wscons is.
Carlos Milán Figueredo | HispaMSX System Operator | http://www.hispamsx.org | telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org | https://calnus.com
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