Subject: Re: NEC RISCStation newbie question
To: None <,>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: port-arc
Date: 06/08/2000 01:16:48
> Has anybody had any luck running NetBSD on the NEC RiscStation 2000?
> It seems to have the same NCR 53c700 controller that's unsupported on the
> 2200, and also an unusual video card (I don't remember what it's called.)
There is a patch to support NEC RISCstation 2250, contributed by
Shuichiro URATA on March. I will commit this patch soon.
(The patch supports PCI bus, too, but doesn't support NCR 53c700,
But I'm not sure that the patch support RISCstation 2200, too.
NEC RISCserver 2200 seems to be similar to RISCstation 2250,
but something different and the patch for RISCstation 2250
doesn't support RISCserver 2000. We really have to know the
difference between RISCserver 2200 and RISCstation 2250
(and difference between RISCstation 2000 and RISCstation 2250,
it it exists).
> I set up the bootp, bootparam, tftp, and nfs servers on a nearby FreeBSD
> machine as described in the diskless HOWTO doc. I can't figure out
> how to tell the NEC to net boot, or if it's possible. That's the first
> place I could use some help.
I'm not sure that the firmware of NEC RISCstation 2200 supports
diskless booting or not.
At least, my NEC machines doesn't support diskless booting.
> I may be going off in a wrong direction, but I put netbsd.COMCONS.ecoff
> in the NEC boot partition, and tried to run it.
This is OK. If ethernet device of the machine can be recognized by
kernel, the kernel loaded from FAT partition can mount NFS root
partition. This is what I've used early stage.
> I get this message on the VGA display:
> Invalid Address = 0xf0000001
This is expected.
This address is not available on newer RISCserver/RISCstation.
Perhaps you can try the kernel for RISCstation 2250.
Anyway, could you mail me the output of the arcdiag command
described on the following mail?