Subject: Re: NEC RiscServer 2200
To: None <>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: port-arc
Date: 08/04/2000 02:41:32
But RD94_SYS_CLOCK is same address with PICA_SYS_CLOCK,
so that mc_read_r96() is actually same with mc_read_pica(),
isn't it?
Or, am I confuse something?
> Actually it's still not quite right (which is why a sent a complete file)..
> Really what is needed is the clock read and clock write routines need
> to be changed... specifically NEC_R96 jazz internal setup address
> for the clock is 'PICA' but the chip data address is NEC_R94...
> example:
> static u_int
> mc_read_r96(csc, reg)
> struct clock_softc *csc;
> u_int reg;
> {
> int i,as;
> as = in32(PICA_SYS_ISA_AS) & 0x80;
> out32(PICA_SYS_ISA_AS, as | reg);
> i = inb(RD94_SYS_CLOCK);
> return(i);
> }