Subject: Re: nec R2200 video support?
To: None <>
From: bob meader <>
List: port-arc
Date: 02/18/2001 08:59:51 wrote:
> Is there a standerd video card that is supported for the R2200? I a
> thinking about just getting supported video card and just to it work.
No !
> p.s. last two days been snow in here in seattle, I play around with that
> floppy boot on my r2200, well, I got no luck, it keep complain of driver
> load error.
I am been stuck in the snow in seattle too. I think you needreset the
nvram....arc firmware stores the 'arc' path to the
the floppy (ie 'a:' is stored in firmware environement variables)
along with floppy size (1.2/1.44/2.88). You need to run
'reinitialize' from 'arc setup'.
> here is a trick I am thinking about doing. Please let me know if this
> make sense.
> 1. take the empty FAT formated scsi drive from the r2200
> 2. please it in a win95 system
> 3. copy all the netbsd files onto the FAT formated drive.
> 4. put the harddrive back in the r2200
> 5. From the arc firmware and try to boot directly.
> That should also work ..from arc firware run 'menu setup'
to create a new menu boot option, be sure to set OSLOADERto correct path.
p.s. Possible good/great news! Urata has a new experimenatal
ncr700 driver for RiscSstation 2250 which is very similar to
RiscServer 2200.
The netbsd source code refers to 2250 as arctype 'rd94' 2200
as rd96 very little difference in source.
The difference's are
1. 2200 has eisa bus, 2250 has pci bus
2.2200 has video controller on mother board, 2250 has
video card plugged into pci bus.
3. Minor difference in clock location.
The 'number 2' difference is why video display doesn't work
and without someone getting the 'physical' address of
the video controller and video buffer, the console has
to be 'serial (com1)'.
Yesterday I download '1.5 current' added Urata diff's
for ncr710 and built a new kernel...I'll shortly put it
up at my website but I have tested it . I won't
be in the office until after President's day to test it.