Subject: Re: netbsd/arc 1.5.1 beta2(with install) iso image ready fortesting...
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-arc
Date: 05/27/2001 08:21:27
In <> wrote:
> > 3) I'm booting ( from a fat partition on sd0, but NetBSD is
> > on sd1, right now I have to enter sd1a as the root partition each time
> > I boot. I know I can set that manually, but was install supposed to set
> > that up for me?
> The machdep.c file in arc/arc assumes the root partition is locatedon the
> first NetBSD partition located on the same drive where
> the FAT partition contaning the boot kernel ( ie
> You'll have change above file and recompile kernel to change...Nasty!
The real solution is to implement a native boot loader which loads
a kernel from an FFS partition and passes bootinfo to the kernel.
Izumi Tsutsui