Subject: Re: kernel for IQ80310 crashes...
To: None <>
From: John Clark <>
List: port-arm
Date: 01/15/2002 21:05:53
Am Dienstag den, 15. Januar 2002, um 20:16, schrieb Jason R Thorpe:
> Ah, okay, this is an actual IQ80310 board, then, rather than a board
> based on the IOP310 design?
Yes I'm starting with the offical IQ80310 before I venture onto my own.
> Note, it's unlikely that devices in the IQ80310 slots will work in any
> meaningful way, due to a fundamental design flaw in the IQ80310's
> interrupt
> routing logic. Basically, the problem is that interrupts from those PCI
> slots can't be blocked without blocking *all* interrupts. If you really
> need to be able to use those slots, then I'll see if there's something I
> can do to hack around the problem.
I don't 'need' them for my board, as my board has the interrupts coming
to our CPLD. The linux port does work with these board in. I'll look at
schematic and see if I can say why in 25 words or less...
>> I downloaded the image netbsd-fxp0 built straight from the cvs
>> archives,
>> burnt that into flash, then before the above
>> 'go' command, had copied it back out of flash into ram.
> Hm. This is something I haven't tried yet -- I have just been loading
> the kernel from the network each time... I'll make sure this also works
> for me.
>> These are eval boards. But I think the doc says that copper gig-e
>> device
>> is 0x100d.
>> Do you have a fiber board?
> No, all my Cordova boards are copper (I have some i82544EI and i82544GC
> boards -- the EI boards are PRO/1000 XT Server Adapters, and GC boards
> are samples).
Well, I have on EI board and one GC board, and they have different
device id's...