Subject: Re: Serious problems in either gcc or pmap
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Richard Earnshaw <>
List: port-arm
Date: 04/22/2002 16:48:22
> Hiya folks,
> i've tried to figure out the reason i'm getting panics every time i try to 
> build X .... looking at the log wich i will append, there is something 
> fishy going on in either the compiler or in the pmap ... before i will send 
> a PR i would first let you folks have a look at it to see if you can 
> discover problems.
> Also added is the offending application that keeps giving problems too .. 
> as you can see in the log there either are illegal instructions emitted 
> (unlikely) or the pmap is confused and gives it the wrong page to 
> execute...
> I tried to figure it out but i am still learning in gcc stuff... and i keep 
> forgetting those ELF tools to visualise ELF binaries :(
> The kernel is a 1.5ZC (20 april 00:00 CEST) and userland is a 3 days old.
> Hope this will give some insights ...

It looks to me as though the function


has been miscompiled.  Note that at 0x10f80 we subtract 4 from the stack, 
but at the end of the function we don't add this back again... :-(  We 
thus return off to never-never land and execute an illegal instruction.  
It's not at all clear to me from looking at the dump why we are pushing 
that stack space at all, there certainly aren't any uses of it.

Do you have cvs v1.9 of gnu/dist/toolchain/gcc/config/arm/netbsd-elf.h?

If so, I'll have to look into this in more detail.


Dump of assembler code for function FontCouldBeTerminal:
0x10f7c>: stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
0x10f80>: sub     sp, sp, #4      ; 0x4
0x10f84>: ldr     r7, [r0, #28]
0x10f88>: tst     r7, #32768      ; 0x8000
0x10f8c>: bne     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x10f90>: ldr     r2, [r0, #20]
0x10f94>: ldr     r6, [r0, #16]
0x10f98>: mov     r3, r2, lsl #16
0x10f9c>: mov     r1, r3, asr #16
0x10fa0>: cmp     r1, r6, asr #16
0x10fa4>: mov     r12, r2
0x10fa8>: blt     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x10fac>: ldr     r5, [r0, #32]
0x10fb0>: mov     r3, r5, lsl #16
0x10fb4>: mov     r4, r3, asr #16
0x10fb8>: cmp     r4, r1
0x10fbc>: bne     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x10fc0>: ldr     r1, [r0, #64]
0x10fc4>: mov     r3, r1, lsl #16
0x10fc8>: mov     lr, r3, asr #16
0x10fcc>: cmp     lr, r12, asr #16
0x10fd0>: blt     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x10fd4>: ldr     r2, [r0, #24]
0x10fd8>: mov     r1, r1, asr #16
0x10fdc>: mov     r3, r2, lsl #16
0x10fe0>: cmp     r1, r3, asr #16
0x10fe4>: blt     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x10fe8>: movs    r6, r6, lsl #16
0x10fec>: bne     0x11010 <FontCouldBeTerminal+148>
0x10ff0>: cmp     r4, r7, asr #16
0x10ff4>: bne     0x11010 <FontCouldBeTerminal+148>
0x10ff8>: cmp     lr, r5, asr #16
0x10ffc>: bne     0x11010 <FontCouldBeTerminal+148>
0x11000>: ldr     r3, [r0, #36]
0x11004>: mov     r3, r3, lsl #16
0x11008>: cmp     r1, r3, asr #16
0x1100c>: beq     0x11028 <FontCouldBeTerminal+172>
0x11010>: movs    r0, r12, asr #16
0x11014>: bne     0x11020 <FontCouldBeTerminal+164>
0x11018>: movs    r2, r2, lsl #16
0x1101c>: beq     0x1102c <FontCouldBeTerminal+176>
0x11020>: mov     r0, #1  ; 0x1
0x11024>: b       0x1102c <FontCouldBeTerminal+176>
0x11028>: mov     r0, #0  ; 0x0
0x1102c>: ldmia   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
End of assembler dump.